Mirror, mirror on the Wall

Mirror, mirror on the wall... Who am I?

Thursday, 25 November 2010

Your Beauty or Your Life!

I was reading an article the other day... sometime in October (I think that's the month) and a few women were interviewed. The question was " your Boobs or your life?" a few ladies said  they would prefer for their lives to be taken than have their "priced possessions" cut off! I think one lady even went farther to say "my boobs are my life!" I don't know about you but I think we women have come to a point where we might have lost the meaning of life...
for a woman to say her bosom is her priced possession I think it means two things; that's the only organ which has helped with her self esteem issues or Vanity has turned her into a neurotic!
Cancer as we all know is one of the commonest ways to die, in fact by the time one is 35 or even less one already has to go for checkups to avoid this plague because it can be caused by any and everything! even water I'm sure can cause cancer! after all it starts from a cell that's tired of "working properly" which progresses to malignant growths and tumors... at the early stages something can still be done about it, either by taking drugs or by the infected area cut off instead of spreading to other places... its sad to think one can save her life but chooses to save her boobs first.

The reason for this in my opinion is as said before self esteem issues; some women feel the only way they can keep their husbands or boyfriends is by looking hot and beautiful every time, that way the man would have eyes for only them... they are so wrong! I believe if you attract a man with physical means you would also lose him through physical means; there are many women in this world that when you see them you sigh and say " wish I could be like her! her husband can never leave her!" whereas the beauty queen you are looking at cries at home because her husband is cheating on her with his secretary ( a typical thing that happens )  a woman can be very beautiful but at the end of the day her husband can cheat on her with someone not as beautiful as she is... not even close!
Vanity is another slow poison eating our society today... right now if you walk on the streets most women look alike; the same typical weave, make up and jeans.... I don't think there is anything wrong with taking care of the necessary things needed to be taken care of but I think there are more things in our lives as women we need to improve... the power of a woman is beyond words; we can do many things even without being physically attractive!
oh well, I say Good luck to the ladies who prefer to die than have their boobs cut off.


  1. Lovely article...!!!!

  2. that article was in d sunday vanguard rite? nice blog btw. the stories are really good. i dont no how i stumbled here but i'm now goin 2 follow.lol
