Mirror, mirror on the Wall

Mirror, mirror on the wall... Who am I?

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

I am a WOMAN!

Every now and then when I drive through people stare at me, why? because its "amusing" to see a small girl drive a big car. Some police officers even try to take advantage of that then I show them my complete papers with an "in your face!" kind of look.
I can go on and on about how women are mistreated in society but I believe most of us know how from domestic abuse to non verbal abuse. I agree women are not meant to be treated like dogs, its not right!!! we are higher and better than that! we are very wonderful species of the human race and we deserve our dignity and respect!!!
I would love to agree with some feminists today ( I can say I'm a bit of a feminist myself) but I think we misunderstand the word FEMININITY.
 I believe femininity is not aggressive, it is calm yet volatile.... it rules with gentleness and fervour. It is a very rare gift we women possess. I don't believe we have to prove our worth through aggressive means, we don't have to be violent to show we are women and have rights too. I don't believe we have to be vulgar to prove to men what we are worth. In life man and woman have the roles they are meant to play, whether we agree or not there are some roles better played by women than men and some roles better played by men than women. A single father can only try his best to play the role of a mother but in most cases it is never the same. Most times children are who they are later in life because of their mother. the woman has the gift of intuition, she can sense when there is something wrong with her husband or children, she knows when everything is not okay and when everything is. She is the only one who can keep her home or marriage from falling apart when there are hard times and that is some power!
women are emotionally stronger than men. I say this because it is only a woman that can carry a human being in her belly for nine months, go to work, come home, wash, clean, cook, pick her kids from school, wait till her husband comes home from work, sleep at odd hours because she is waiting for him, find out he is cheating on her with his secretary and still stay in the marriage because of her children ONLY A WOMAN!
 So I say we don't need to preach equality to prove our worth, if we want to talk about that let us refer to the bible and how things have always been for centuries. Women have their place in this world, without us in those places the world will either get worse or seize to exist.

Wednesday, 8 December 2010


Company orders city to change 'Christmas' parade to 'holiday' parade - and it does
American Family Association ^ | Oct 4 2010 | American Family Association

Posted on Monday, October 04, 2010 11:32:52 PM by Maelstorm
This year, a company which took over sponsorship of the annual Richmond, Virginia, Christmas parade has ordered the city's organizers to change it to a "holiday" parade.
Dominion, an energy company operating in 12 states, has told the city it no longer wants to use "Christmas" as part of the parade name. Instead, Dominion said it will be known as the "Dominion Holiday Parade."
This attack on the traditional use of "Christmas" has been accepted by parade organizers, who buckled under the anti-Christmas insistence of the company.
(Excerpt) Read more at action.afa.net ...

I pasted this clip because I wanted to be sure I read right... some American Companies now call CHRISTMAS holidays WINTER  Holidays!
I think we need a recap; what is the cause of decorating houses during winter? what is the Origin of SANTA CLAUS? why do we have Christmas trees at home at this time???
There are some things that are timeless and cannot make sense if changed... we all know the reason for Christmas which has been celebrated for over 100 years!... most of us know that Jesus IS the reason for the season... what I think is happening is the world slowly wants to gradually remove spirituality from people.
I don't know about you  but as for me I wish you MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!! with my whole heart!

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

20 children cannot play for 20 years...

There are many times we choose our friends for either wrong or right reasons, if we choose for the right reasons and everything goes right, we are lucky. If we choose for the right reasons and everything goes wrong along the way I guess its just a pity, either something went wrong or the reasons we thought were right were actually wrong. And if we choose our friends for wrong reasons we should not be surprised if everything goes wrong. So the first question one should ask when making friends or choosing friends is "why?"

I'm not an expert at friendship but from my observation and little experience I can say friendship entails a few things namely; love, care, respect and sincerity.

 sometimes we just make friends there is no special introduction or something but I think along the line we should know our reasons for the friendship.

from my observation there are different types of friends; there are some that are always there for you in every situation and really fun to be with, always keep in touch blah blah... such friends can be seen as the good ones. There are some friends who are also fun to be with but are not really present in the bad times... they can be seen as opportunists where they are only friends for what they can benefit, ( no benefit = no friendship). There are also some that are cool and all but one comes to realise along the line that nothing good is coming out of the friendship, instead of helping each other to move forward and become better they pull each other down and become worse, I think this is the wrongest type of friendship. There are also some friends who seem really loyal but are sensitive and take little things seriously so take every aspect of friendship serious, such friends are good  ones but they should not forget friendship is not a do or die affair.
So the Moral of the story is a true friend is one who can stand the test of time, both the good and bad times,
If you cannot be yourself amongst your friends then that is not friendship.
Finally I believe with 20 good friends, 20 children CAN play for 20 years.

Friday, 3 December 2010

Christmas Scarcity

One thing I have noticed about people in  this country is the love of  money! any opportunity to make money is visited by every single person,  it only makes sense though because of course it is money that puts food on the table but when it becomes to the detriment of other people it can become questionable.
if you've noticed during the Christmas season there is always scarcity of fuel... it just magically happens! One day you' re driving your car and whistling your favourite tune when you pass a petrol station and you notice an enormous queue. You ask yourself "ahan, dint I buy fuel yesterday? there was no queue now?" unlucky for you you travelled round Lagos yesterday and today so now your fuel gauge is showing red. At that point I'm sure you would wish u had preserved some fuel for other days.
such a thing happened to me. I just finished fixing my car at the mechanic and I was so excited to start Christmas paroles immediately, unfortunately for me my fuel was quite low but I thought to myself "no problem, there is fuel" and took my time till the fuel showed empty... that's one thing about procrastination, it reminds me of the ten virgins in the bible, I felt like a foolish one only that in this case the fuel station was still open but for a loooong queue! Also at  that time I was supposed to meet up with a very good friend of mine who I told I would be at the venue in 15 mins! O well, I tried my luck by joining the queue, hoping it would move fast. After 15 minutes passed I decided to see what was going on because my car hadn't moved from its spot and my friend was calling. I went into the station only to find the keg bringers were present!
One annoying thing about fuel scarcity is the keg bringers! O! they take up your time!!! and there was this really loong queue. Well, with a vibrating phone in my pocket I had to become a keg bringer because it seemed like that was working and luckily for me I had a friend with me who helped queue on the keg line while I joined the car queue ( thanks Tochi!) so I kind of killed two birds with one stone! I got my way both ways and it was a very interesting experience.
There are actually two events that happened as we queued which were really amusing;
The first was as my friend was queueing on the keg line a military car jumped the queue and drove into the fuel station (no questions asked) the car drove into the keg queue knocking and crushing kegs (no questions asked) once they left people had to start looking for their destroyed kegs and pushing and fighting themselves for their rightful position in the queue. once the military car bought fuel and left all was back to order.
Moral of the story: I used to think military rule would be the best for this country but after that incident I pray that it NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN!
The second was as I was running to meet up with the queue a young lad came up to me and said "you're struggling to get fuel right? eeya same here"( I was walking fast to reach my car take note) what is
your name?
Moral of the story: Even when one needs to be serious some guys always find a way to be HIGHLY UN SERIOUS! I doubt if the lad bought fuel that day because he happened to perceive the petrol station as a good place to get girls! (shaking my head!)
P.S: sorry Princess for telling you I'll be there at 5pm and left Yaba by 7! hope u still love me! (lool!)

Monday, 29 November 2010


Dave's Canvas: ASA - « BE MY MAN » [OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO HD]: "Love the vibe...Asa is undoubtedly skilled at what she does. A break from the norm, Asa has proved she's indeed here for the long haul. Tap ..."

Thursday, 25 November 2010

Your Beauty or Your Life!

I was reading an article the other day... sometime in October (I think that's the month) and a few women were interviewed. The question was " your Boobs or your life?" a few ladies said  they would prefer for their lives to be taken than have their "priced possessions" cut off! I think one lady even went farther to say "my boobs are my life!" I don't know about you but I think we women have come to a point where we might have lost the meaning of life...
for a woman to say her bosom is her priced possession I think it means two things; that's the only organ which has helped with her self esteem issues or Vanity has turned her into a neurotic!
Cancer as we all know is one of the commonest ways to die, in fact by the time one is 35 or even less one already has to go for checkups to avoid this plague because it can be caused by any and everything! even water I'm sure can cause cancer! after all it starts from a cell that's tired of "working properly" which progresses to malignant growths and tumors... at the early stages something can still be done about it, either by taking drugs or by the infected area cut off instead of spreading to other places... its sad to think one can save her life but chooses to save her boobs first.

The reason for this in my opinion is as said before self esteem issues; some women feel the only way they can keep their husbands or boyfriends is by looking hot and beautiful every time, that way the man would have eyes for only them... they are so wrong! I believe if you attract a man with physical means you would also lose him through physical means; there are many women in this world that when you see them you sigh and say " wish I could be like her! her husband can never leave her!" whereas the beauty queen you are looking at cries at home because her husband is cheating on her with his secretary ( a typical thing that happens )  a woman can be very beautiful but at the end of the day her husband can cheat on her with someone not as beautiful as she is... not even close!
Vanity is another slow poison eating our society today... right now if you walk on the streets most women look alike; the same typical weave, make up and jeans.... I don't think there is anything wrong with taking care of the necessary things needed to be taken care of but I think there are more things in our lives as women we need to improve... the power of a woman is beyond words; we can do many things even without being physically attractive!
oh well, I say Good luck to the ladies who prefer to die than have their boobs cut off.

Friday, 19 November 2010

One Too Many Drinks

It was pitch black, I couldn’t feel my feet, I felt blind. What happened? We were all in a car, coming from a party, okay Segun drank too much, we all drank too much but we let Timi drive because he was only tipsy now I cant hear anyone’s laughter or Tayo’s silly jokes, yes I remember now, Timi was speeding, Tayo said he sped like a grandma, we were laughing, we saw a bright light and that was it!
I tried to move but I had a sharp pain on my legs, I screamed but my screaming woke none of them up. We were five in the car; Timi, Tayo, Seyi Segun and I. it was Seyi’s birthday and we decided to have a night out. Seyi was such a lovely person, she’d never disappoint anyone and she was so good natured that you’d like to do anything for her. I tried to nudge her, she didn’t budge, I called her, no answer. Please tell me this isn’t happening! “Tayo, Timi, Segun, you guys what’s up now? What’s happening?” I was beginning to feel nervous, I started crying. I groped for Tayo in the dark. Tayo was someone you could never have a dull moment with, he always had something funny or interesting to say, he was so broad minded that he could talk to everybody and anybody, his jokes were quite dry but would be funny when he starts demonstrating. I felt something wet, slimy and sticky; it was a gash on his head, I started wailing. Tayo was my best friend, this must be a nightmare, I know I’m dreaming!
I just had to let myself out because I was getting dizzy and I could hear my head pounding. I tried to push the front seat forward because I realized it was on my legs. I felt Timi’s arms. Timi’s sweet nature, his cute smile and charming personality, he was dead! I had no hope for Segun I knew he’d be gone too, he was outside, figured he was thrown out of the window. Segun; crazy guy with a sensitive heart, I liked him but I’ll never get to be with him. Now I felt alone, I wish I was dead too, what am I going to do? My parents didn’t even know I went for that party, I was screaming and wailing inside the car even if I knew it was no use. “God please help me!” I cried and truly two men came running to the scene. They pulled me out of the car and I heard them speak in Yoruba that my friends were dead and my legs were broken. They put me into their car and I was on my way to the hospital. One of them called for help trying to see how he would get my lifeless friends out of the once beautiful blue sports car Tayo had.
Even still at the hospital and now I’m on a wheel chair I cant stop thinking how and why it had to happen but their memories still linger in my head and heart and I can never forget the friends I lost at third mainland bridge…… at least I should thank God I’m still alive!

Ganja Breeder

I smoke dope by the pound, started since I was fifteen, this was the only way I could free myself from the tensions at home; the slapping, hitting, door slamming amidst the barks and yells of my parents on me or themselves. For five years I’ve been facing this, no other place to go, my parents don’t really care if I disappear, I really don’t care if I disappear because I’ve had it with life.
Anytime I face a major argument at home which happens on a daily basis I force myself to go to school (even if I hate school) then after lectures I go to the highest floor, sit on the railings and smoke my heart out living all worries behind and feeling high and free like a bird in the sky, then I come down eyes bloodshot and smelling like an incinerator but I feel more relaxed and stronger ready to face the challenges at home, then the cycle continues.
On this particular day, different it felt, my father came down for breakfast and yelled at me for not washing his car, I didn’t give excuses I said I was sorry. My mother came down smoking as usual, my father slapped the cigarette off her mouth, round hundred began, I left them, went to school, sat at the back amidst searching eyes, left after lectures and went to my spot. Here I smoked like never before, puffing smoke like a choo choo train then I felt myself lifted off the railings going down down, sinking deeper deeper into oblivion. I felt free as ever, I was really flying, actually flying then I heard a big thud and I slept.
I woke up finding myself in a white-turned-brown-with-age room, I stood up, felt a bit woozy then steady, I was dressed in white, I saw my clothes at the corner, took the white off and wore my regulars; blue top, black flared jeans and chucks. I left the building, didn’t care about where I was going. I could have sworn I walked for days, there were some days I’d stop and look at events around me; people punished unjustly, good people who can change the world easily die but there was one particular boy I couldn’t stop observing. He was a weeder like me but I noticed he was fighting it. Sometimes I’d see him in a church praying or talking to a priest and after the chat I’d see a glow on his face, he would look happier than when he was smoking. Due to this I promised to stop smoking because I’ve seen somewhere else I can go to ease my pain. I decided to rush back home.
When I got to my house, it was empty, even my neighbors weren’t at home. When I went to my friend’s house and heard from two girls that he went for a funeral I decided to go for the funeral.
When I got there, there were quite a number of people all dressed in black and it wasn’t easy spotting my friend but I noticed two couples close to the coffin. They were holding hands something my parents can never do although the woman looked familiar, then I spotted my friend close to the couples. I decided to see the person inside the coffin; the face so pale and gaunt, the body looked like stretched rubber but all the same he looked peaceful. After the burial I stayed a little longer and watched the people leave. The two couples stayed back still holding hands close to the tomb. When they left I went to see the name on the tombstone it read “Tunde Kodjo, 1988-2006” I laughed I told myself my parents can NEVER be peaceful together then I thought again, I touched my arms and legs, I could feel nothing; I was dead… and I hadn’t realized it!

Flowers for Her

The traffic was terrible that day and i can remember how annoying it was when the hawkers came banging at my door trying terribly to sell their goods, if only they knew what i was going through inside. it was becoming too much so i shouted " would you get out of my sight!" they all froze and took ten giant steps back, they met me on a very terrible day and the traffic made it worse.

It began to rain which added to the mood i was in, i put on the radio to make me feel better, it was a slow song that was switched off with immediate effect, i tried eating the twix bar in my bag, still didnt work, i tried brushing my hair and it still didnt work then i began to think "why, why her?"

We were once enemies, we couldnt stand each other till the glorious day we realized we were born on the same day, attended the same primary school, secondary school and now university. the major thing that got us glued together was our love for movies and writing. We became like two peas in a pod, inseparable. the fights began but we prevailed then there came the major thing.

i thought of the last words i said to her and trickles of tears rolled down my face " you know we are inseparable" this was after the fourth major fight we had.

she loved cars, she could tell you the names of all the latest cars including their features. she loved shoes, she had a whole wardrobe for that. she loved green, almost all her clothes were green and most of all she loved writing. her stories and poems were so interesting and emotion filled, one could not understand how she could come up with such figures of speech, more tears rolled down my cheek. i had lost her, my best friend, my second half,everything one could wish to have in a person; pretty, sophisticated, principled with a wonderful personality. i had to stop thinking because i broke down in tears, i thought " i cant let her go, I'm scared to walk alone, I'm an only child, i cant do it, I'll definitely cry everyday" HONK, HONK, HONK! went the car behind me, the traffic was moving and it had stopped raining, there was still a bit of time to meet the funeral mass.

During the mass and after i thought to myself, " she can never live again, she cant hear me if i speak nor feel anything with my words, she's like a log of wood, a block of stone, PATHETIC! or maybe not. It dawned on me, she's alive in me; my memories, the things we did together, the places we went, the games we played, i actually laughed and the sun came out and shone brightly. i cant keep mourning forever, i don't think she would want to see me sad, she would want me to remember the good things about her and all the things we did, it would give her joy wherever she is.

With that and a smile on my face i approached her grave and dropped the flowers for her.

Thursday, 18 November 2010

facebook Notes

These are my old notes from facebook... hope u like them.

I waited in the bathroom, waited for hours, thought of what went wrong, what happened. i got caught off guard, just a split second hoping it wont matter, hoping for no consequences, then i began to feel nauseous, dizzy, easily tired. what could all this mean? i refused to think it, i refused to go there but it was about time, the clock is ticking.

I checked it, thought i saw a flicker of red. a spark of hope lit my heart but the tiny light was donated by the GREEN. my heart sunk, it felt like a gush of green drowned the light red, it glowed GREEN, bright GREEN.

why, why me? i am from a reputable home. good parents, siblings, what do i tell them? i go to school, have studies, how about my future? it cant happen now, i cant do it, i cannot! the shame i would bear, the news would spread like wild fire... i have to stop it now!

three weeks have passed, I have done nothing but its been a month since i knew. the signs become obvious everyday. the boy knew, he took off! wish i didn't look into his eyes and swallow the sweet words that were like music to my ears, wish i didn't encourage the midnight walks and starlit poetry, wish i dint gaze on that face with the devilish smile... if wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

I have decided to do it, whatever it takes, i have a fat bank account, that should do it.

as I walk on the streets I look at people: some happy, some with babies... babies...
how innocent, how peaceful, their eyes sparkle with love, their tiny helpless limbs wiggle, yearn for protection. i break down in tears and run home.

The time came my mother asked, I replied a weak yes and she cried. my father observed, my response was weaker and I was almost disowned. I took the shame, the blame, I had no comforting words only the movement of the being kept me going and waited longing for the day I could see it.

three years now and I am still enjoying her smile, like to stroke her hair, like to tell her stories and hear her say she loves me. I watch her play and bounce in the sun then i sigh to myself, it was worth it.


just saw this breathtaking picture on this guys blog! that is simply creativity!

The New Generation Entrepreneurs!!!!

One way to relax and soothe the senses (especially the eyes!) is looking at a very good high quality photograph... I think we can get some from this guy-------->

NAME:Macaulay Ayobami
JOB:Owner, Orbit Imagery LTD
SINCE:July 2009
PRICE RANGE:100-200k
CONTACT DETAILS:orbitmedia@live.co.uk , 08095683482,

http://orbitimagery.blogspot.com . Nigeria's Professional Photography Agency
FAVOURITE QUOTE:Find Your Purpose.

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

The New Generation Entrepreneurs!!!!!

This generation of boys are not smiling as they have also created a fashion sense that keeps the ladies coming... I for one have a soft spot for guys who dress well, it makes them look hotter (wink!) heres one cutie with a good sense of fashion!

NAME: Adebayo Oke-lawal
AGE: 20
JOB:Creative director of onyx and pearl, (others include co-stylist and co owner of bubaai, contributor for 360 nobs and radical chic and well blogger(thats not a job sha lol))
SINCE WHEN: 4 months ago
PRICE RANGE: frm like 4k and above, so any one  and everyone has a place
CONTACT DETAILS:onyxandpearl@hotmail.com, 07037559787, http://www.leoandpisces.blogspot.com/
FAVOURITE QUOTE: Gods in Control (lol not really a quote sha but yeah)

Sunday, 14 November 2010

The New Generation Entrepreneurs!!!

OK like I said in the first part of this article I would let you know about people... young people who have decided to do something about the unemployment issue in the country by  putting their talents to good use. here  are some very delightful pictures u'd like to see

P.S she also makes  flat shoes and bags!!!!

NAME: Motunrayo Jimoh
AGE: Twenty Something
JOB: CEO, Creative Director, Owner of Fashion Label MAJU
SINCE: 2008
PRICES: from N1,200 upwards
FAVOURITE QUOTE: "whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well"
Phone Number: 08027369104
Email: majufashionlive@gmail.com
Twitter Handle: @Majulive
Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/pages/maju
BLOG: www.majufashion.blogspot.com

Saturday, 13 November 2010

I like your accent???

I was with a friend one day and we were chatting freely. She told me she was leaving soon to school abroad, I was sad but she had to go, I knew I was going to miss her. she left on August 16th to be precise and returned for the Christmas holidays on the 18th of December. I went to pick her from the airport excited and hoping to hear all about her school and stuff, the first words I heard shocked me " hello darling how are you? I was startled! not the English speaking, the ACCENT frightened me! I tried to act normal then there it came again! more and more flooding my ears. at a point I had to stop her and I said "please talk to me!"
its not that I did not understand what she said but the accent was just... I don't know... fake?
there is nothing wrong having an accent its just sad when the accent is forced or the reason behind the accent is just  sad. there are many people who have lived abroad for years and don't come back with 'nose speech problems' they still have and are proud of their Nigerian accent while others leave for 2 weeks and come back with an accent of 15 years! Ok maybe it might sound exaggerated but seriously I think we Nigerians need to reflect and ask ourselves 'why the accent?' I understand sometimes when relating to the British people one has to communicate using their accent, they understand one better that way too and  maybe conversing with other Britons give one the 'tinge' of a British accent but apart from that it is quite questionable when one decides to just 'change' his or her accent for questionable reasons.
the truth is when you listen to the radio many times you hear people trying soo hard to talk American or British and its just sad, some forget the accents and mix them up along the way that it becomes a total disaster!. I don't think there is anything wrong with pronouncing your words correctly with your Nigerian accent it is part of who you are, so why don't embrace it?

Wednesday, 27 October 2010


I just finished reading this book by Ted Dekker called THR3E... i give him a standing ovation! i think its a book we all must read in order to fully understand ourselves and our nature. i wont spoil it for you (lol) but i will tell you a few things i have learnt from it.
it gives a very clear and precise explanation of the nature of man; we posses 3 "natures" the nature of Good, Evil and the struggle between the two. one can say that the nature of evil is in everyone since the fall of Adam and that explains why we are easily drawn to things that glorify the flesh. anything that goes against the nature of God can be considered evil because God is Perfect Good. we also have a nature of good in us and that is why sometimes we feel the need to do the right things, this is the Godly nature in us which also works as our conscience. the struggling nature might not necessarily be a nature but our effort to be either good or evil. an example can be when u hold a baby bird in your hand, our good nature would suggest we look after the bird, our evil nature might suggest we squish it! ( I've thought about it before! lol) but of course judging from which one prevails one might do either of the two.
We make mistakes because we are all human and have the evil nature in us but most times we can do something about it. when people say "I'm only human"  or "the devil made me do it" i just think it is an excuse because we have the power to overcome evil, we own our bodies, our bodies do not own us. the devil has NO CONTROL over us unless we make him.
the thing here is no one is hundred percent evil, there is something good in everyone and that's the nature of God in us that is why a serial killer or a prostitute can become a saint  if he/she kills the evil in him/her, likewise a good christian can easily become a serial killer; a serial killer through gossip! and placing judgment on people.
we should all just strive to kill the evil in us and embrace the good. it is not easy because of our human weakness and that is where God comes in. with God we can kill our evil nature and thrive in the good. with God all things are possible, so lets continue the struggle.

Thursday, 14 October 2010

Im a graduate... and unemployed :-(

Before graduation most people have in mind what they want to do, where they want to work etc. most people dream of being at the top, others work towards getting there by trying to get good grades and actually getting them. some can do anything to get the grades necessary (first class, second class upper etc.) even if it means bending a few rules, defying all odds and stuff.
 i hear some people talk and they say things like " i want to work there, they pay good money", "i want anything o, any job is fine by me so far its job" " aah! I'm too smart now, i can work anywhere i want!" ( sounds like that lol). all these are all well and good but i think we are missing the point here.
we complain everyday about the massive unemployment issue we have in our country, how even people who have good grades don't have good jobs or are not employed at all, we also complain that its only the ones who have connections that go far but i strongly feel we have  a hand in it. many of us complain about what the government is not doing right, we forget we contribute to this wrong doing one way or the other. we are the ones who create unemployment for ourselves because i think its a thing of the mind!  we need to change our mindset about employment, we need to think outside the box!
we should start thinking of how to curb this nationwide plague by CREATING job opportunities for ourselves and others. people might say its impossible but i think it is very possible. first of all we should change our mindset of graduating just to work under someone. of course we need to get training and experience but working for someone should not be our end goal. we should get all the training and experience we need then create jobs for people and be our own boss. secondly one thing for certain is when you enjoy doing something you do it well meaning we should work towards our talents, things we are good at! that way we put in our best because its enjoyable and due to this  we yield the best results.
another thing we should consider is this; we should aim for excellence. once you have the opportunity to aim high, do it because this lasts till the rest of your life. work hard to get good grades, the grades which no company can turn you down because you have all what they need academically (but you also have to have other skills they need tho) and they might even be the ones begging you to work for them; that's Excellence! nevertheless if you don't get what you expected after working so hard don't give up! always remember this; YOUR GRADES DO NOT MAKE YOU, IT IS YOU WHO MAKE YOU! do not let your grades tie you down or make you feel inadequate, think of all the other things you're good at, work on them TAP YOUR POTENTIAL and i can bet you will surely make it in life!

P.S: if you need examples of successful people who just woke up and started their own thing  i would surely let you know.


the world we live in, is filled with many needs,
it may look so beautiful,
but one can actually perceive,
the evil retrieved.
everywhere people dying,
everywhere children crying,
hatred, lust and anger,
fills the world with terror.
sad news is always heard,
many people are getting scared.
destruction is taking over,
there is nowhere to run for cover.
but we have faith, and plenty of hope too,
that our world can be born anew.
with our little strength and forces joined together,
we can make this world, a better place to live in.
we put our leaders in prayer,
to free the world from danger.
this is what we hope,
so may it be.
 (Shirley-Anne Oke in SS1)

In the Dark

It was summer and i was working part time at one of the most expensive clothing malls in the country as a sales girl. one particular day was very busy because the shop was filled with people so eager to spend on one item or the other, some just came to admire because they couldn't afford any item. i did not blame them because i too was in the same predicament.
there was this particular dress i stared at since the first day i started work, i even promised myself i would buy it with my pay if it could and that meant a whole 2 months wages or more, nothing less. that day a girl annoyed me by coming out of nowhere and picking up the dress, tried it on and paid for it on the spot! to emphasize how expensive that dress was the amount could pay my school fees for one year (as a year one Unilag student) i got jealous, envious and upset at the same time, i thought to myself " why were we not all born equal?" i watched the dress and her move towards the door in despair because there was only one type of it. then when she reached close to the door something caught her attention  and she came back into the shop and walked with the dress  in her purple shopping bag towards me, just then she did something... she dropped the shopping bag that the dress was in on the floor in front of ME!
i stared at the bag, i stared at the dress, beautiful colour, nice trimming, perfect size n fitting (I'm sure). i played wearing this dress over and over in my head and there was the owner carelessly looking at other clothes that are no better than the dress. i told myself " she doesn't deserve it!" and i picked it up. it felt like she dropped it for me. i quickly hid the dress in a safe spot. i looked at it, admired it, aah! i felt the material, my own, my precious! after a few minutes of admiring "my gift" i walked back to my post hoping the silly girl wouldn't remember buying a dress and truly she dint, she walked out of the shop with two big bags filled with clothes and at that moment i was certain the dress was meant for me.
after a few hours of work it was time to close, it was my turn to clean up and arrange the clothes. a spare key was left for me to lock up when i was about to leave. i patiently waited for the last person to walk through the door. i locked it and reached for my prize! imagine not having to save anymore what I've been longing handed to me on a silver platter!
with excitement i entered the lift in the shop to drop some clothes in the storage room still admiring the dress. i pressed the lift button and went down. all of a sudden  the lift jerked and stopped halfway then the lights went off. i pushed the lift button, it did not respond, i hit it, no use, i was stuck!
it was a sick feeling being stuck in a lift, everywhere was dark, it was like i was in a black pit. i became nervous and started sweating. i felt slimy and dirty like i was covered in soil with worms and flies all over then i became depressed because my heart grew heavy and i remembered the dress still on my left hand. to think that such a thing would cause me to do the unthinkable, to steal what someone had paid for. i felt terrible, i felt like i walked into a forest, missed my step, entered a deep ditch and no one could hear my screams because everyone had gone and i realised this is usually like what happens when you do something wrong, its like you see a beautiful cage and a curious shadow inside, you enter and then you're trapped inside realising that the curious shadow is a horrible snake or creature waiting to devour you, SIN! is what it is. i stole and my conscience probed further and i felt that was why i got stuck in the lift to think about my actions and correct my mistake. i curled up by the corner of the gloomy lift and i hoped i would last the night.
i woke up to hear banging somewhere above the lift, my heart skipped and i shouted "help, help" apparently two men were trying to open it. after what felt like hours the door above me finally opened and i was pulled out. they told me i was lucky because i would have suffocated if i stayed any longer and that it was one of the salesgirls who discovered it was stuck while she tried to use the lift. i thanked them all. i was given food to eat and water to drink. the next thing i did was call the customer who forgot her shopping bag (luckily she left her phone number to be notified for new arrivals) she told me to keep it since i was honest enough to call , i thanked her. once i hung up i went to hang the dress back on the clothes rack, i did not want it anymore.

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

The Secret Admirer

Her heart beats as she sees your face,
she pretends to walk in style and grace,
but its not her you really see,
someone else instead of she,
has captured your attention,
that she cant even mention,
or call out your name,
o what a shame,
she goes back to her friends,
and tries in ways, to get your heart,
but it starts to become,
an undending cycle

 Shirley-Anne Oke (in JSS3)