Mirror, mirror on the Wall

Mirror, mirror on the wall... Who am I?

Wednesday, 8 December 2010


Company orders city to change 'Christmas' parade to 'holiday' parade - and it does
American Family Association ^ | Oct 4 2010 | American Family Association

Posted on Monday, October 04, 2010 11:32:52 PM by Maelstorm
This year, a company which took over sponsorship of the annual Richmond, Virginia, Christmas parade has ordered the city's organizers to change it to a "holiday" parade.
Dominion, an energy company operating in 12 states, has told the city it no longer wants to use "Christmas" as part of the parade name. Instead, Dominion said it will be known as the "Dominion Holiday Parade."
This attack on the traditional use of "Christmas" has been accepted by parade organizers, who buckled under the anti-Christmas insistence of the company.
(Excerpt) Read more at action.afa.net ...

I pasted this clip because I wanted to be sure I read right... some American Companies now call CHRISTMAS holidays WINTER  Holidays!
I think we need a recap; what is the cause of decorating houses during winter? what is the Origin of SANTA CLAUS? why do we have Christmas trees at home at this time???
There are some things that are timeless and cannot make sense if changed... we all know the reason for Christmas which has been celebrated for over 100 years!... most of us know that Jesus IS the reason for the season... what I think is happening is the world slowly wants to gradually remove spirituality from people.
I don't know about you  but as for me I wish you MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!! with my whole heart!

1 comment:

  1. this is so true. These people claim to be free and yet they are in captivity.
