Mirror, mirror on the Wall

Mirror, mirror on the wall... Who am I?

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

I am a WOMAN!

Every now and then when I drive through people stare at me, why? because its "amusing" to see a small girl drive a big car. Some police officers even try to take advantage of that then I show them my complete papers with an "in your face!" kind of look.
I can go on and on about how women are mistreated in society but I believe most of us know how from domestic abuse to non verbal abuse. I agree women are not meant to be treated like dogs, its not right!!! we are higher and better than that! we are very wonderful species of the human race and we deserve our dignity and respect!!!
I would love to agree with some feminists today ( I can say I'm a bit of a feminist myself) but I think we misunderstand the word FEMININITY.
 I believe femininity is not aggressive, it is calm yet volatile.... it rules with gentleness and fervour. It is a very rare gift we women possess. I don't believe we have to prove our worth through aggressive means, we don't have to be violent to show we are women and have rights too. I don't believe we have to be vulgar to prove to men what we are worth. In life man and woman have the roles they are meant to play, whether we agree or not there are some roles better played by women than men and some roles better played by men than women. A single father can only try his best to play the role of a mother but in most cases it is never the same. Most times children are who they are later in life because of their mother. the woman has the gift of intuition, she can sense when there is something wrong with her husband or children, she knows when everything is not okay and when everything is. She is the only one who can keep her home or marriage from falling apart when there are hard times and that is some power!
women are emotionally stronger than men. I say this because it is only a woman that can carry a human being in her belly for nine months, go to work, come home, wash, clean, cook, pick her kids from school, wait till her husband comes home from work, sleep at odd hours because she is waiting for him, find out he is cheating on her with his secretary and still stay in the marriage because of her children ONLY A WOMAN!
 So I say we don't need to preach equality to prove our worth, if we want to talk about that let us refer to the bible and how things have always been for centuries. Women have their place in this world, without us in those places the world will either get worse or seize to exist.

Wednesday, 8 December 2010


Company orders city to change 'Christmas' parade to 'holiday' parade - and it does
American Family Association ^ | Oct 4 2010 | American Family Association

Posted on Monday, October 04, 2010 11:32:52 PM by Maelstorm
This year, a company which took over sponsorship of the annual Richmond, Virginia, Christmas parade has ordered the city's organizers to change it to a "holiday" parade.
Dominion, an energy company operating in 12 states, has told the city it no longer wants to use "Christmas" as part of the parade name. Instead, Dominion said it will be known as the "Dominion Holiday Parade."
This attack on the traditional use of "Christmas" has been accepted by parade organizers, who buckled under the anti-Christmas insistence of the company.
(Excerpt) Read more at action.afa.net ...

I pasted this clip because I wanted to be sure I read right... some American Companies now call CHRISTMAS holidays WINTER  Holidays!
I think we need a recap; what is the cause of decorating houses during winter? what is the Origin of SANTA CLAUS? why do we have Christmas trees at home at this time???
There are some things that are timeless and cannot make sense if changed... we all know the reason for Christmas which has been celebrated for over 100 years!... most of us know that Jesus IS the reason for the season... what I think is happening is the world slowly wants to gradually remove spirituality from people.
I don't know about you  but as for me I wish you MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!! with my whole heart!

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

20 children cannot play for 20 years...

There are many times we choose our friends for either wrong or right reasons, if we choose for the right reasons and everything goes right, we are lucky. If we choose for the right reasons and everything goes wrong along the way I guess its just a pity, either something went wrong or the reasons we thought were right were actually wrong. And if we choose our friends for wrong reasons we should not be surprised if everything goes wrong. So the first question one should ask when making friends or choosing friends is "why?"

I'm not an expert at friendship but from my observation and little experience I can say friendship entails a few things namely; love, care, respect and sincerity.

 sometimes we just make friends there is no special introduction or something but I think along the line we should know our reasons for the friendship.

from my observation there are different types of friends; there are some that are always there for you in every situation and really fun to be with, always keep in touch blah blah... such friends can be seen as the good ones. There are some friends who are also fun to be with but are not really present in the bad times... they can be seen as opportunists where they are only friends for what they can benefit, ( no benefit = no friendship). There are also some that are cool and all but one comes to realise along the line that nothing good is coming out of the friendship, instead of helping each other to move forward and become better they pull each other down and become worse, I think this is the wrongest type of friendship. There are also some friends who seem really loyal but are sensitive and take little things seriously so take every aspect of friendship serious, such friends are good  ones but they should not forget friendship is not a do or die affair.
So the Moral of the story is a true friend is one who can stand the test of time, both the good and bad times,
If you cannot be yourself amongst your friends then that is not friendship.
Finally I believe with 20 good friends, 20 children CAN play for 20 years.

Friday, 3 December 2010

Christmas Scarcity

One thing I have noticed about people in  this country is the love of  money! any opportunity to make money is visited by every single person,  it only makes sense though because of course it is money that puts food on the table but when it becomes to the detriment of other people it can become questionable.
if you've noticed during the Christmas season there is always scarcity of fuel... it just magically happens! One day you' re driving your car and whistling your favourite tune when you pass a petrol station and you notice an enormous queue. You ask yourself "ahan, dint I buy fuel yesterday? there was no queue now?" unlucky for you you travelled round Lagos yesterday and today so now your fuel gauge is showing red. At that point I'm sure you would wish u had preserved some fuel for other days.
such a thing happened to me. I just finished fixing my car at the mechanic and I was so excited to start Christmas paroles immediately, unfortunately for me my fuel was quite low but I thought to myself "no problem, there is fuel" and took my time till the fuel showed empty... that's one thing about procrastination, it reminds me of the ten virgins in the bible, I felt like a foolish one only that in this case the fuel station was still open but for a loooong queue! Also at  that time I was supposed to meet up with a very good friend of mine who I told I would be at the venue in 15 mins! O well, I tried my luck by joining the queue, hoping it would move fast. After 15 minutes passed I decided to see what was going on because my car hadn't moved from its spot and my friend was calling. I went into the station only to find the keg bringers were present!
One annoying thing about fuel scarcity is the keg bringers! O! they take up your time!!! and there was this really loong queue. Well, with a vibrating phone in my pocket I had to become a keg bringer because it seemed like that was working and luckily for me I had a friend with me who helped queue on the keg line while I joined the car queue ( thanks Tochi!) so I kind of killed two birds with one stone! I got my way both ways and it was a very interesting experience.
There are actually two events that happened as we queued which were really amusing;
The first was as my friend was queueing on the keg line a military car jumped the queue and drove into the fuel station (no questions asked) the car drove into the keg queue knocking and crushing kegs (no questions asked) once they left people had to start looking for their destroyed kegs and pushing and fighting themselves for their rightful position in the queue. once the military car bought fuel and left all was back to order.
Moral of the story: I used to think military rule would be the best for this country but after that incident I pray that it NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN!
The second was as I was running to meet up with the queue a young lad came up to me and said "you're struggling to get fuel right? eeya same here"( I was walking fast to reach my car take note) what is
your name?
Moral of the story: Even when one needs to be serious some guys always find a way to be HIGHLY UN SERIOUS! I doubt if the lad bought fuel that day because he happened to perceive the petrol station as a good place to get girls! (shaking my head!)
P.S: sorry Princess for telling you I'll be there at 5pm and left Yaba by 7! hope u still love me! (lool!)