Mirror, mirror on the Wall

Mirror, mirror on the wall... Who am I?

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

You Should Have Been There

The cameras flashed, the carpet was red, (of course it was) celebrities from all over. The night was glamorous. Your brother sang, he has a lovely voice, would have told him but you know how cheeky he gets. The play was beautiful. The costumes you made were used. It fit the actors perfectly. Your mum made a few corrections but it was fine. People wept, it was touching and they donated a lot of money. There were also fireworks; they looked like diamonds in the sky and multicolored stars. Uncle Tim killed it this time his fireworks were amazing. Oh not to forget the food, it was superb, tasty to the definition of the word delicious!
You should have seen it, you would have loved it! It was so much fun. Trust the guys to be there drinking and making merry! Kay cracked the stupid joke again and molly finally asked a hard riddle and I as usual laughed to Kay’s jokes and answered molly’s riddle. I also helped a bit and I’ve finally finished writing the script!  O well, we’ll soon be together so you would hear all about it from everyone.
(Sigh!) I miss you so much, we planned this together and you were not there, we made it public and you were not there. It was your idea and you were not there. I wish you were (at least for this one)
Sometimes it hurts when I don’t hear from you and sometimes it feels good when I feel you and sense you feel me too. You are not here and yet you are, I see you in your family, their eyes, the way they talk and how caring they are.
The memories keep flooding in. we laughed a lot, the good times were good and the sad ones too. You taught me many things, you complete me. Wish you came, I laughed so hard! I merried away but you… you were on my mind.

I’ll come tomorrow without a doubt; I’ll buy you flowers and adorn your stone with pearls and diamond angels. I feel like weeping but feel you in my heart telling me it’s ok, it would be fine and that’s all I need, that’s all it takes.