Mirror, mirror on the Wall

Mirror, mirror on the wall... Who am I?

Saturday, 22 January 2011

A New Start

 There are some things in this life that we sometimes regret we ever did mostly because of the consequences we faced and especially if one was told not to do it. there are also sometimes one feels discouraged to begin again because one has wallowed in despair and feels there is nothing that can be done. We are all human beings, we are bound to make mistakes but one thing we are also bound to is change. The only thing constant in life is change and that can either transform or destroy a person. One thing we should all know is your mistakes do not define you! they only make you stronger and wiser... when you learn from mistakes you pick yourself up and try again. Ben Carson once said that it is stupidity not to learn from ones mistakes because they are made for you to become a better person!
Sometimes we think back at some things we have done and feel we can never be the same, I think that's not true, you can become a whole new person and a better one at that. take a look at the caterpillar, it looks ugly at first but with time blossoms into a beautiful butterfly!  do not let the caterpillars in your past tarnish a bright and beautiful future! yes you might be ridiculed, yes you might be insulted by people who knew your past, do not be discouraged, it only shows how much you have improved since then and that should give you immense joy!
so never feel like you are too horrible or too bad to change, you can! so as from today reflect on your past, learn from your mistakes and begin again!

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