Mirror, mirror on the Wall

Mirror, mirror on the wall... Who am I?

Thursday 14 October 2010


the world we live in, is filled with many needs,
it may look so beautiful,
but one can actually perceive,
the evil retrieved.
everywhere people dying,
everywhere children crying,
hatred, lust and anger,
fills the world with terror.
sad news is always heard,
many people are getting scared.
destruction is taking over,
there is nowhere to run for cover.
but we have faith, and plenty of hope too,
that our world can be born anew.
with our little strength and forces joined together,
we can make this world, a better place to live in.
we put our leaders in prayer,
to free the world from danger.
this is what we hope,
so may it be.
 (Shirley-Anne Oke in SS1)

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